What I've always struggled with is this: If death is only temporary, as Jesus demonstrated and we'll all be resurrected anyway (or you go to heaven after death), why are we emotionally wrecked if a loved one dies?
Sure the temporary loss of anyone can be painful, but our natural reactions (the animal brain) seems to indicate we are wired to understand that death is permanent even if we tell ourselves (through religion or other ways) that the change is temporary.
Simple test: if you have a small child, someone they love leaves them after a few hours of play, they can be sad or even devastated. If you explain they'll be back, the child often becomes happy again awaiting when they come back. When someone dies, you can tell them about heaven or paradise, the child has the same reaction. When you go to an open casket funeral or bring children to the burial however, those same children (I've seen it in JW-land, I've seen it with Presbyterians and Catholics), the child intuitively seems to know that they won't be back, they can repeat to you the 'fact' they're in heaven alive or that they'll come back in paradise, but at no point do those children believe it. Children that don't see the burial or open casket, will often continue being happy until a few weeks later they realize it's all been a lie and then fall deeper into a depressed state.
I've gone through the same emotional roller coaster as a child, we had a lot of death during my formative years, we had an elderly person in the Kingdom Hall that gave all the kids candy every meeting, we were told about paradise, we treated the funeral as a regular meeting but then later it dawned on us, a few meetings later, that person wasn't going to come back and that paradise is not 'the current life' and ever since I've struggled with "why". If paradise isn't going to be any time soon, sure Jehovah has some other way of resurrecting or communicating with that person.
Funny anecdote: my wife's grandmother recently died, we went to the service with open casket. A 7 year old nephew in front of us: Dad, I thought you said grandma was in heaven. Whisper: Yes, she is. Nephew: She's right there!